By Presidential Decree No. (200) For the year 2013, the Department of Medical Pharmacology was formed as one of the departments of the faculty. It is situated at the faculty’s headquarters in Aswan New City, where first-year medical students began studying there in the academic year 2013–2014.
Prof. Mahmoud Hamdy Abdel Rahim, Emeritus Professor, Department of Medical Pharmacology, Assiut Medicine, and Prof. Mohamed Salem, Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Pharmacology, Assiut Medicine, are in charge of supervision, and elites from the assisting body are also included in the department.
Being a leader and achieving success in the field of pharmacology at the local and regional levels, as well as carrying out excellent research and giving back to the community.
Graduating national cadres of physicians who uphold ethics and values, are capable of contributing productively to the healthcare team, and can offer medical services that have a good impact on society’s health.